My Books

Welcome to my website!
I am eager to get my books published.
Should be soon!

  • Wicked Wink: An viscount is plagued by a Scottish Curse.
  • Wicked Smile: An earl accidentally enters the wrong bedchamber.
  • Wicked Heart: A lady pretends to be a vicar's daughter hoping to save a young girl's life.
  • Wicked Love: A lady disguises herself as a pirate to save her brother's life.

Wicked Wink

Wicked Wink

Lord Hutton eyed the unattractive woman seated across from him. Miss Julie Prior's black, shiny dress was ugly—high-necked and high-waisted—a style popular during the last century. But even so, she was the perfect wife for him.

After the meal was over, he would propose to her. His stomach churned with tension—proposing to the country spinster might be the biggest blunder of his life. He was in love with the beauty at the other end of the dining room table. Lady Florence was the loveliest woman in England—shiny dark hair, sapphire eyes, and a lush figure.

Wicked Smile

Wicked Wink

Thomas Ware, the Earl of Lindridge, picked up the letter on the glass table by the front door. He would never consider reading someone's mail, but he was desperate to find out the name of his sister's lover.

Earlier tonight, while walking in the back garden, he spied Ruth locked in an embrace with a man—both undressed. The man grabbed his clothes and took off before he got close enough to see who he was.

His innocent sister, under his guardianship since his father's death, was no longer an innocent. He had failed in his duties. A scoundrel had seduced her.

Despite his threats of dire consequences, his stubborn sibling refused to tell him her lover's name. The missive he held in his hands might reveal the scoundrel's name.

Wicked Love

Wicked Wink

Robert John Wenthall, the Earl of Godfrey, didn't look like a devil. No black horns. No pointed tail. And he didn't carry a pitchfork. He looked like a commonplace father—thinning brown hair, plump from devouring too many tarts, and wrinkles around his eyes. But even so, he had a devil's soul.

Miss Amelia Wenthall walked into her father's study, surprised to be summoned by him. Most of the time he ignored her. Weapons hung on the dark walls gleamed from frequent polishings, and scattered across the shelves flanking both sides of the green marble hearth were shiny rocks, golden and silver vases, carved animals, and other objects—objects her father collected from foreign countries.

Objects more important than anyone or anything else in his life. Oh no, father was weeping. As much as she wanted to walk out of the room she couldn’t.

About/Contact /

I like to read. I read most anything from fiction to nonfiction. I especially like old mysteries, stories about pirates, historical romance, ghost stories, and cookbooks. My favorite is reading books published a long time ago. I am always looking in bookstores to add to my collection. I was pleased to find a pamplet dating back to 1818. And surprised to find it so difficult to read and almost impossible to understand. I love beaches and must live near an ocean. My favorite books are "Zorro" and "Robin Hood." And books written by Agatha Christie starring Hercule Poirot.